Wednesday, July 18, 2012

MDX Learning Notes

Reading Microsoft SQL Server 2008 MDX Step by Step (great book)
On 0 = On Columns
On 1 = On Rows

The default properties returned are VALUE and FORMATTED_VALUE for  cell. To retreive additional properties by including CELL PROPERTIES keyword in end of query.

 Cell Property           Description
ACTION_TYPE -- A bitmask indicating the type of action(s) associated with the cell.
BACK_COLOR -- A bitmask indicating the background color to use when displaying the VALUE or
                               FORMATTED_VALUE property of the cell.
CELL_ORDINAL -- The ordinal number of the cell in the cell set.
FONT_FLAGS -- A bitmask indicating whether the cell’s font should be presented using italic,
                             bold, underline, or strikeout detailing.
FONT_NAME -- The name of the font to use when displaying the VALUE or FORMATTED_VALUE property of the cell.
FONT_SIZE -- The font size to use when displaying the VALUE or FORMATTED_VALUE
property of the cell.
FORE_COLOR -- A bitmask indicating the foreground color to use when displaying the VALUE or
                             FORMATTED_VALUE property of the cell.
FORMAT --  This is the same as the FORMAT_STRING property.
FORMAT_STRING  -- The format string used to create the value of FORMATTED_VALUE
                                      property of the cell.
FORMATTED_VALUE -- The character string representation of the VALUE property formatted per
                                            the FORMAT_STRING value.
LANGUAGE -- The locale against which the FORMAT_STRING will be applied.
UPDATEABLE --  A value indicating whether the cell can be updated.
VALUE -- The unformatted value of the cell.

For Partial Tuples order....
1. Default Member
2. All Member
3. First Member

A set is a more than one tuple enclosed in braces {}.
Tuples are separted by commas.
Shared hierarchality and shard dimensionality is a requirement for inclusion within the set.

Order( {Set}, Expression [, Flag])
Flags can be ASC (default) ascending
DESC descending
BASC ascending across all members ( sort by measure only)
BDESC descending across all members ( sort by measure only)

Monday, December 19, 2011

CmdExec (running a bat or executable file via SSIS)

I was having an issue of being able to run a package that prints in BIDS but not as a SQL Server Agent job.
Even though I sent everything as run as 32 bit.

Finally tried this.

used this application to print via command line in SSIS Script Task

Imports SystemImports System.DataImports System.MathImports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.RuntimeImports System.ComponentModelImports System.DiagnosticsImports System.IO

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Total PDF PrinterX\PDFPrinterX.exe", Chr(34) + complaint_folder + "\*.pdf" + Chr(34) + "-p" + Dts.Variables("varPrinterName").Value.ToString)
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.SuccessJob Tye (SQL Server Agent)
Operating System (CmdExec)
"D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DTExec.exe"  /DECRYPT  "password" /FILE "D:\PRODUCTION_FOLDER\DEPLOYED_PACKAGES\PROD\RegulatoryPrint3.dtsx" /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

Automate Windows Server defragmentation

E drive is the drive you wish to defragment

Put this in a bat file and run a scheuled task pointing the bat file.
defrag.exe -v e: >c:\temp\logfile.txt

To check the status you can look how long, etc in the log file under the Advanced /  View Log of the scheduled task  menu window.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Spaced Used by a table in a specific database.

Shows you how to get the SQL Server database table size

Shows you how to get the size of a database

Shows you how to get the all tables size from database
EXEC sp_MSforeachtable @command1="EXEC sp_spaceused '?'"

–--create temp table to store the result
CREATE TABLE #temptable
     tablename    VARCHAR(100),
     numberofrows VARCHAR(100),
     reservedsize VARCHAR(50),
     datasize     VARCHAR(50),
     indexsize    VARCHAR(50),
     unusedsize   VARCHAR(50)
---Inserting into temp table
INSERT INTO #temptable

EXEC sp_MSforeachtable @command1="EXEC sp_spaceused '?'"

FROM   #temptable
---drop the temporary table
DROP TABLE #temptable

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How to get RDL information from Reporting Services Report.

--The first CTE gets the content as a varbinary(max)
--as well as the other important columns for all reports,
--data sources and shared datasets.
WITH ItemContentBinaries AS
   ,CASE Type
      WHEN 2 THEN 'Report'
      WHEN 5 THEN 'Data Source'
      WHEN 7 THEN 'Report Part'
      WHEN 8 THEN 'Shared Dataset'
      ELSE 'Other'
     END AS TypeDescription
   ,CONVERT(varbinary(max),Content) AS Content   
   FROM ReportServer.dbo.Catalog
   WHERE Type IN (2,5,8)
--The second CTE strips off the BOM if it exists...
ItemContentNoBOM AS
      WHEN LEFT(Content,3) = 0xEFBBBF
        THEN CONVERT(varbinary(max),SUBSTRING(Content,4,LEN(Content)))
    END AS Content
  FROM ItemContentBinaries
--The old outer query is now a CTE to get the content in its xml form only...
,ItemContentXML AS
   ,CONVERT(xml,Content) AS ContentXML
  FROM ItemContentNoBOM
--now use the XML data type to extract the queries, and their command types and text....
  ,ISNULL(Query.value('(./*:CommandType/text())[1]','nvarchar(1024)'),'Query') AS CommandType
  ,Query.value('(./*:CommandText/text())[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS CommandText
FROM ItemContentXML 
--Get all the Query elements (The "*:" ignores any xml namespaces)
CROSS APPLY ItemContentXML.ContentXML.nodes('//*:Query') Queries(Query

Monday, August 22, 2011

Disk System

What kind of database?
OLAP - Sequential I/O,  Read intensive
OLTP - Random I/O, Read /Write intensive

Calculating the number of disks required
1. the required disk I/O per second
2. I/O per second capacity (IOPS) of the individual disks included

Required # Disks = (Reads/sec + (Writes/sec * RAID adjuster)) / Disk IOPS

Remember to separate the transaction log and data files.

RAID = Redundant Array of Independent Disks

RAID0 - zero redundancy RAID (not recommended)
RAID1 -  disk mirroring,  50% disk utilization level, write medium, read high
RAID5 - disk utilization  equals 1 - (1/N), write low, read high, minimum three drives

SAN - Storage Area Network
*Multiple servers can connect to a SAN via special host bus adapter (HBA) cards
installed in each connecter server.
*Disks within the SAN are grouped together into logical unit numbers (LUNs)
and presented as required to connected servers. The server sees the LUN as a locally attached disk.
*Major benefits of a SAN is sharing disks among many servers to maximize usage.
*To get best performance dedicate the entire SAN to a single, mission critical database.

If your organization decides on a SAN storage system have a good working relationship with your SAN administrator.

Each physical disk in a SAN can be carved up into parts and used in the creation of separate LUNs.
As a result, LUNs from many servers can all be using different parts of the same physical disks.